Regional Law 2/2023 on the attraction, retention and valorization of talents

The Emilia-Romagna Region has approved a law to attract and retain talents (regional law 2/2023). The new regional law aims to contribute to the attraction, retention, and valorization of highly specialized talents in Emilia-Romagna to help them find a job, a professional or research career, or undertake a path of high-level training within the territory.  

The recipients of the law are "highly specialized talents" meaning "people who have acquired knowledge and experience (or who are involved in paths) of particular relevance in the fields of training, research and innovation". It is therefore aimed both at those who already live in the region and those who would like to move there or return from abroad. Today, more than ever, the regional ecosystem is characterized by a high level of innovation, universities and the production systems.

Regional Law, 21 February 2023, no. 2 attraction, retention and valorization of highly specialized talent in Emilia-Romagna

Download pdf of the law (PDF - 218.1 KB)

The Governance of the law

The Regional Committee for the attraction and valorization of talents

A permanent committee that performs support and monitoring functions on policies for the promotion of the attraction, retention and development of talent in Emilia-Romagna, consisting of fifty representatives from local authorities, academic and professional training institutions and business, trade union and professional and self-employed organizations. 

The specific actions put forward by the Regional Committee for the attraction and valorization of talents are supported by working subgroups, such as:  

Information and promotion services for talents in the Municipalities of Emilia-Romagna    

Activation of services for the reception and attraction of talents, also directed to their families, in Emila-Romagna Municipalities and the Metropolitan City of Bologna.  

It was approved with DGR n. 1788/2023 following a public notice for Municipalities of Emilia-Romagna (Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ferrara, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini, Ravenna) and the Metropolitan City of Bologna.   

The main purpose is to implement reception and support services for talents and their families so that they can access primary services in the area, such as local public transport, residential accommodation, educational, training, and employment services, promotion of cultural offerings, regional associations, etc.  

The total funding for these interventions for the three-year period 2023-2025 corresponds to a total contribution of one million and 870 thousand euros from Regional Funds. 

Interventions in favor of Universities and Institutes for higher artistic, musical and choreographic education (AFAM) for the qualification and strengthening of placement services for students, graduates and PhD students  

With DGR n. 826/2024, 11 interventions were approved in favor of Universities and AFAM institutes in Emilia-Romagna, with the objective of promoting the connection between the education and research system and the regional production system. 

Activities: information services on occupation and productive vocation of the territories; promotion of career and professional opportunities offered by the local production system; organization of study visits and career days between companies but also in the world of research; career-matching actions and support for business creation; connection with the opportunities of the professional training system.  

Total funding: (for 3 years) contribution of 5,259,956 euros split between Universities and AFAM Institutes under the ESF+ 2021-2027 

The Observatory on Talents

in conjunction with other regional observatories, analyses the phenomena of mobility and circulation of highly specialized talents in the regional context.  

Also in collaboration with ART-ER S. cons. p. a., local “communities” and forums are activated on the topic of attracting talents through events, workshops, and advanced training activities, together with the participation in regional, national and international initiatives.

The Manifesto for the Attraction of Talents in Emilia-Romagna

It poses objectives and indicates actions implementing art.7 of regional law 2/2023. The objectives of the manifesto are the following:

  1. Training and attraction of Talents at the centre of regional policies

  2. Supporting the supply of highly specialized Talents 

  3. Increasing the quality of demand for Talents 

  4.  Promoting the international opening of the regional system 

  5. Supporting programs and measures for the mobility of Talents 

  6. Promoting the intersection of supply and demand of Talents

  7. Promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment of Talents

  8. Supporting the beauty, attractiveness and inclusiveness of the territory  

  9. Promoting work-life balance

  10. Attracting and promoting events and demonstrations for the permanent valorization of Talents   

Manifesto for the attraction of Talents in Emilia-Romagna

Download pdf of the Manifesto (PDF - 166.8 KB)

Start your journey towards Emilia-Romagna: on the it-ER website you will find lots of information to help you identify the best opportunity to study, do research and work in Emilia-Romagna and some practical advice for moving, settling and living in this region.